AliveCor Kardia ECG Technology. Bringing Wearable Medtech and innovation to the NHS.

It’s not hard to get excited about the difference that innovations like the AliveCor Kardia mobile and Kardia Band ECG Watch could make to the NHS and its patients.

Both devices bring low cost wearable medtech to the NHS and capture medical grade ECG recordings using algorithms to monitor and manage heart arrhythmias. They can automatically detect atrial fibrillation (AF) which if undiagnosed can lead to strokes.

In the UK strokes kill 100,000 a year. Each one is estimated to cost the NHS between £9,500 and £14,000.

The financial impact of Atrial Fibrillation (AF), the most common type of arrhythmia, becomes more apparent when considering the cost to the UK economy as a whole which has been estimated to be £2.4 million.

That’s apart from the human impact strokes have on patients quality of life and their carers. Early detection then is crucial.

So how does the NHS currently identify these at risk patients?

As a busy GP at the moment when patients visit you, depending on their age and medical profile they may receive a simple manual pulse check. If you have time you count their pulse over 60 seconds. If you don’t you count to 30 and multiple the figure by 2!

The problem with a manual pulse check is that it remains a ‘one off’ check. An assessment of an irregular heart rhythm with this method is a snap shot in time and in part relies on chance to identify at risk patients, especially those with asymptomatic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

Depending on the result you may or may not then refer to secondary care for a 24 hour or 7 day Holter ECG to confirm the findings. The CCG will remind you there is a cost for this oh and probably a waiting list!

The existing pathway takes the time and resources of both you, your patients and the NHS.

What can AliveCor technology and innovation do to help?

The AliveCor Kardia Mobile and Kardia Band ECG devices offers huge benefits in early diagnosis of AF as they allow simple validated, quantitative and qualitative assessment of a patient’s ECG and heart health using a smart phone App.


With AliveCor ECG technology patients can record a 30 second medical grade ECG unobtrusively at any time helping reduce appointment times and detect AF.

At a time when Primary Care resources are under real pressure it means less time and money is wasted on nurse appointments, resources and follow ups for the NHS and patients.

It also means the anxiety some patients feel about their condition can be removed and they can take a proactive role in their heart health.

The wider adoption of AliveCor technology by the NHS and Primary Care will be a big step forward. It’s one to watch for sure.

The AliveCor Kardia Mobile costs £94.99 and the Kardia Band for the Apple Watch costs £226. Buy both from our web site.


Author: Andrew Webb

I am the Managing Director of PMS (Instruments) Ltd a successful UK based medical distribution, service and sales company specialising in cardiovascular equipment.