Mobile & 24 Hr ECG
Blood Pressure
24 Hour BP
Waiting Room BP
Resting ECG
Repair and Test
Spirometers & Respiratory
Pulse Oximeters
Cuff Barriers
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Quality Assured to ISO-9001 we've been at the Heart of Healthcare Technology Since 1975. NHS Supply Chain Partner. Free UK delivery for Web orders over £25 ex VAT.
Mobile & 24 Hr ECG
AliveCor KardiaMobile ECG
Meditech Holter ECG
Meditech Holter ECG Accessories
Blood Pressure
A&D Medical Digital BP Monitors
A&D Medical Digital Cuffs & Accessories
A&D Medical Sphygmomanometers
A&D Medical Sphygmomanometer Cuffs
24 Hour BP
Meditech ABPM
Meditech Cuffs & Accessories
A&D Medical ABPM
A&D Medical Cuffs & Accessories
Waiting Room BP
A&D Medical Waiting Room BP Monitor
Waiting Room Paper & Accessories
Resting ECG
Cardioline ECG Systems
Seca ECG Systems
Ambu ECG Electrodes
Repair and Test
Atys Medical
SysToe & Accessories
BASIC Doppler
Hokanson Vascular Cuffs
Hokanson Strain Gauges
Spirometers & Respiratory
ndd EasyOn PC Spirometer
MIR Spirometers
Bedfont NObreath V2 FeNO Monitor
Spirometery Accessories & Consumables
Pulse Oximeters
A&D Medical Scales
Seca Scales
Seca Floor Scales
Seca Baby Scales
Cuff Barriers
24 Hour BP
24 Hour BP
Meditech ABPM
We are the official authorised UK distributor and service centre for the Meditech range of popular 24 hour BP monitors.
Meditech Cuffs & Accessories
We stock a comprehensive range of original Meditech 24 hour ABPM accessories.
This includes cuffs, cables, carry pouches and CardioVisions software.
A&D Medical ABPM
With our experience and expertise we have an established track record of supplying, supporting and servicing A&D ABPMs.
A&D Medical Cuffs & Accessories
We stock a comprehensive range of cuffs and accessories for the TM-2430, TM-2440 and TM-2441 ambulatory blood pressure monitors.
24 Hour BP
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