Atys BASIC 3.2 Doppler

Atys BASIC 3.2 Doppler

Atys BASIC 3.2 Doppler

In stock

Price: £9,450.00 (£11,340.00 Including VAT at 20%)


The BASIC 3.2 is a complete vascular solution making it ideal for vascular clinics and hospitals. It features two integrated pumps and deflation valves which allow automatic inflation and deflation of cuffs. This means the BASIC 3.2 can be used for automatic Doppler systolic pressure measurements (PresDop). This feature allows the return of the Doppler signal to be detected automatically but where the signal is weak the user can manually adjust the cursor.

High quality audio sound allows pressure readings to be obtained even where the return blood flow is low and the user cannot see any trace or spectrum on the screen. The BASIC 3.2 automatically detects the return of the 2 channels of simultaneous PPG signal and as the continuous component of the PPG signal is also displayed this helps verify that automatic detection is correct. This is typically used for finger or toe pressure measurements. BASIC 3.2 also adds bilateral pulse volume recording (PVR) which is useful to determine qualitative shape of the waveforms. Simple Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) is now also included as is a stress test module and DICOM support.

Finally the flexibility of the BASIC 3.2 also allows the user to perform a Venous Reflux Test (VRT) to evaluate valve competency of the patient’s superficial and deep venous systems in both legs using PPG. The pressure table feature stores all the measured pressures and brachial indices for easy reference at the touch of a button. Numerous protocols can be configured to ensure examination and report consistency. Shown on optional Trolley I NOT included. Please email or call for a quotation.

Features include

• 4 MHz & 8 MHz continuous Doppler
• Bidirectional Doppler
• 2 channel simultaneous Photo plethysmograph (PPG)
• 2 channel PVR
• Simultaneous PPG pressures
• Doppler Ankle Brachial Index (ABI)
• PPG Ankle Brachial Index (ABI)
• PPG Toe Brachial Index (TBI)
• Bilateral Venous Reflux Test (VRT)
• Arterial & venous Doppler
• Real-time colour spectral analysis
• Doppler spectrum: 256 colours, 256 point FFT
• Mains powered
• Compact size and weight (23 X 17 X 17cm) 2.2Kg
• Audio output: - Two built-in loud speakers - Stereo, separated reverse and forward flows
• Headphone socket
• Six indices displayed in real time (Vs, Vd, Vm, Hr, RI, PI, S/D)
• Display of the curve or spectrum

Supplied with

• 8MHz Doppler probe
• 2 arterial PPG sensors
• 2 arm/ankle size 4 (27-35cm) cuffs
• 2 toe/finger cuffs (120 X 25mm) cuffs
• 1 double foot switch


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